: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
Prints can be ordered via my Etsy Shop
and if you don't see there what you are looking for, order directly via email!
All original works are also for sale: prices negotiable (also possibility for trade) so if interested, please contact directly via email, making sure to state your interest in the subject title.
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My painting practice is a way of integrating my inner experience of the spiritual aspect of life and Creation… Their cyclical nature, ordeals/ecstasies they bring and growth achieved beyond them. Tracing the flow of elemental forces, entities, abstract and archetypal forms, allowing symbols and patterns to emerge organically.
The images emerging can surprise me, challenge me, support me, comfort me and always they are revelatory and become in a way my teachers. What do they do for you? What do you see in them?